We serve up two remixes by the big JKs in the game. Two of everyone’s favorites – known for their touching, encompassing and magnetic productions.
It’s Johanna Knutsson of Klasse Wrecks, Kontra Musik, and Circle of Live & Johannes Klingebiel of C.A.R., Beats in Space, and Planet Akwa.
Johannes’ “Firm Shake” enchants the listener with an otherworldly, pitched vocal while congas splash in from the rooftop. Let the song’s piano outplay life’s worries.
Johanna’s “Marking Time” is an ethereal, pensive piece. Haunting but close, treading softly. You’ll want to hold your friends in your arms while watching the sun rise.
The JK dream team tackled songs of RSS Disco’s upcoming album “Mooncake”. But, wait – the originals of these songs haven’t even been released yet you say? Your phonographic brain can’t place them, Discogs returns no results? Well, you’re absolutely right. Conventions have been thrown out of the window, time has been reversed. Please enjoy these two without the knowledge of the source material. “Mooncake” will be out in September.
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